Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why Vegan?

I decided to start a new blog to share my vegan journey while living in my seafood-and-fried-food saturated Cajun home.

Why did I decide to eat vegan?  I teasingly blame it on my pastor, but the truth of the matter is our church participates in a Daniel Fast twice a year.  After doing this twice, I realized I felt so much better eating a plant based diet that I decided to make it permanent.  My dad has been vegan for many years.  His journey was one of better health and he was successfully able to lower his sky-high cholesterol to a number most people envy!  I have always tried to eat a whole foods diet and now that is translating to a whole foods vegan diet.  In less than two years, I have already seen improvements in my health with my cholesterol dropping from 205 (this number had been constant for 20+ years) to its current level of 168.  I am no longer borderline anemic - this WITHOUT red meat and iron supplements.

Living in Cajun Country, people are always shocked when they discover I am vegan.  "But .... you DO eat seafood, don't you?"  Nope.  No seafood.  No dairy.  No eggs.  "Well WHAT do you eat, then?"  They say this as if I am starving to death.  One glance will allay those fears!  Thus....this blog.  With it, I will attempt to answer the question of "what do you eat?"  And to let people know that vegan cuisine isn't bland and tasteless.  Healthy can also be delicious.

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